Yoga for Nervous System Regulation

Natasha Marchand

Get ready to treat yourself to a relaxing yoga session. 

If you want to jump in right away, the session starts at 15:23 into the video. You will need: comfy clothes, a blanket, a couple of pillows. The session lasts about 55 minutes but you can make it shorter if you want!

A few notes from Natasha to you: 
  • This class is designed for you to do as much or as little as you want; you do not need to listen to me, listen to yourself and what feels good to you in the moment. I am there to give options. If something doesn’t feel good, go back into a resting posture.
  • During the meditation at the beginning, you can lean on a wall or sit in a chair, you do not need to sit the way I am sitting, whatever is comfortable. 
  • Whenever getting up from the ground, roll to one side first.
  • Here is a playlist you can include for the yoga if  you want to have some music during class.
  • I used some tools on the mat that you can take off whenever you feel like you need a little nervous system support:
Tool #1: Grounding
This very simple tool that allows you to ground yourself during times of stress. It can be done in nearly any yoga pose, but it can also be done anytime in the day, sitting or standing. When you are feeling unsettled or ungrounded, take the opportunity to notice your feet or your seat on the ground. Notice where you are in space and breathe deep belly breaths, drop down into your body.
Tool #2: Massage 

Start by lightly massaging the forehead. Then, moving down below the eye, massaging knots around the cheeks and jaw. Roll out the ear by moving down the lower jaw and using your pointer finger and thumb. You can then rub behind the ear and down the back of the neck.

This is my body: You can also use one hand to tap along your body and say aloud, ‘This is my body,’ ‘This is my arm,’ and so on. We do this to wake up into our body, to show up as YOU, noticing where you end and your environment begins! 

Tool #3: Humming 

The vagus nerve is connected to your vocal cords and the muscles at the back of your throat. Singing, humming, chanting, and gargling can activate these muscles and stimulate your vagus nerves. This helps increase vagal tone – strengthens the vagal brake, and helps us move up the ladder more easily when needed. 

Natasha’s offerings

With over 15 years of experience as a yoga teacher, Natasha deeply understands the critical role that mind-body connection plays in growth and healing.

Natasha’s multifaceted approach incorporates her skills in solution-focused counselling, somatic coaching, hypnotherapy and yoga to empower individuals to become more resilient and establish a stronger connection with themselves. She specializes in helping people break free from codependent behaviours, such as people-pleasing and perfectionism while continuing to foster a commitment to values of kindness and connection.

As an advocate for women’s rights and reproductive health, she has dedicated over a decade of her life to working as a prenatal and postpartum doula, hypnobirthing practitioner, and yoga instructor for fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum health.


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