Riding the Wild Edge: Making space for more joy in our parenting by tending to our grief

Stacey Ramsower

In this session, Stacey will lead an orienting practice for nervous system regulation and then explore grief and how to make room for it to experience more joy. 

Free video: How to thrive through motherhood using ayurveda and somatics 

Sacred body podcast

Stacey Ramsower is a somatic practitioner specializing in holistic health care for Mothers. Through Somatic Experiencing, Ayurveda, and Depth Psychology, Stacey guides women through the shadow lands of pregnancy, birth, and Motherhood to find more courage and more agency in their relationships, work, and identity as Mothers.

She believes that Mothers have the innate power to transform our global dynamic of domination in favor of partnership when they have made peace with themselves, body, mind, and soul. When women find their voice and the seat of their true power in the depths of their physical transformation and soul expansion of Motherhood, our children and our planet will return to thriving.

With a Masters in Psychology, Somatic Sex Educator and Ayurvedic Postpartum Caregiver certifications, as well as ongoing Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training, Stacey has supported hundreds of women to transform their relationship to their bodies, food, sex, trauma, and held space for the births of over 40 babies. She is a life-long dancer and can usually be found rolling around on the floor or booty shaking to pretty much anything. Lately, she’s singing a lot of the Frozen soundtrack with her two children.


The Sacred Body Reset

I created Sacred Body to support women in overcoming the indoctrinated fear of their innate power in body, mind, and spirit. Through my own practice of Somatic Experiencing, Yoga and Ayurveda, and the mysterious work of attending birth and postpartum healing, I have developed an approach to food ritual that has been life-changing for over a hundred women (and me!) Through this work of Somatic Ayurveda, you will transform your relationship to “bad” habits, cravings, feeding yourself, and most importantly, TRUSTING your instincts. I hope you enjoy this process as much as I do

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