How to Have Bubble Moments With Your Baby: Finding meaningful and joyful moments with your baby through music, mindfulness and play

Vered Benhorin

Key Takeaways:

  • Bubble Moments are brief but meaningful connections between parents and babies, rather than a constant state of attachment.
  • These moments help strengthen attachment, similar to an “attachment gym.”
  • Music, mindfulness, and play are essential tools for creating Bubble Moments.
  • Babies respond to rhythm and melody from birth, even recognizing songs heard in utero.
  • Parentese (sing-song speech) naturally engages babies and supports bonding.
  • Music aids in structuring routines, easing transitions, and regulating emotions for both babies and parents.
  • Personalized songs deepen the connection between parent and baby.
  • Vocal toning and rhythmic bouncing can be used to soothe and regulate both baby and parent.
  • The voice serves as an additional pair of arms, offering comfort and security.
  • Singing to babies, regardless of musical ability, enhances their sense of safety and attachment.
  • Music can be a therapeutic tool, lowering stress, increasing social connection, and supporting emotional regulation.
  • Creating an “emergency playlist” can help parents manage stress and shift their mood during challenging moments.
  • Bubble Moments continue into childhood and adolescence, offering ongoing attachment-building opportunities.
  • Your voice is an extension of your arms—you can “hold” your baby with your voice when physical touch isn’t possible.
  • Singing or vocal toning regulates both you and your baby, making soothing more effective.
  • Babies respond best to your voice, not a perfect one—you are their favorite singer.

Experiential Component:

Using your voice for soothing and regulation.

Hand on Chest – Connecting to the Voice

  • Place your hand on your chest.
  •  Take a deep breath and hold a long “O” sound (“Oooooo”) to feel the vibration in your chest.
  • Reflection: “What do you notice? Is your voice shaky? Is it resonant?”

Enhancing Resonance

  • Repeat the “Oooooo” sound but this time make it more resonant.
  • Guidance on How to Do This:
    • Breathe deeper, expanding the ribs.
    • Relax the jaw and shoulders.
    • Be a little louder and fuller in sound.
    • Imagine filling the room with your voice.
  • Reflection: How does this feel different from the first time?

Vered is a music therapist, psychotherapist, founder of Baby in Tune, and mom of three. Through Baby in Tune, she’s helped thousands of parents connect to their baby and feel more confident in their parenting. Vered’s music, which give words to the joyful and complex experience of parenting, has received the Parents Choice Gold Award and has over 16K monthly listeners. She’s trained over fifty practitioners worldwide and has lectured at seminal conferences such as Zero to Three. Her upcoming book, What Do I Do With My Baby All Day?! helps parents find meaningful moments of connection with their baby (Countryman Press/W.W. Norton). Vered’s music can be found on Spotify/Amazon/iTunes/Youtube.


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