How to Not Lose Yourself in Motherhood: Nurturing our evolving identity

Dr. Sarah Bren

Get ready to explore your identify! 

In this session you will need paper and pencil or pen. 

Free masterclass: Confident parenting from the start

Course: The authentic parent

Securely attached podcast

Dr. Sarah Bren is a licensed clinical psychologist and mom of two who helps parents find a balanced approach between focusing on healthy child development and not losing sight of their own mental health–since neither can exist without the other. She equips parents with the tools to develop a personal parenting framework that allows them to respond effectively to any challenge and raise kids who are confident, resilient, and kind. Dr. Sarah is the host of the podcast Securely Attached and is the co-founder and clinical director of Upshur Bren Psychology Group in Pelham, NY, where she treats parents, children, and families.


Be the Calm in Your Child’s Storm: How to Keep Your Cool When Your Child Loses Theirs

In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll learn simple but powerful strategies for helping you stay cool in the heat of the moment by adjusting the way your body and brain interpret dysregulation (your child’s and your own) so you can parent from a calmer, centered, and more grounded place.

What you’ll learn:

→ Specific strategies and coping mechanisms for adjusting your mind and body’s response to dysregulation (your child’s or your own)
→ Exercises to combat common triggers that may be sabotaging your ability to stay calm and strengthen your ability to stay regulated in the heat of the moment
→ How to model these self-regulation skills to your child, fostering their resilience, distress tolerance, and overall mental wellness

Value: $37

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